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CommercetoolsThe Role of Seo in Driving Traffic to Shopify Stores

The role of SEO in driving traffic to Shopify Stores

What is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of improving a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and phrase...

shopifyShopify Announces Important Team and Business Changes

Shopify Announces Important Team and Business Changes

In a recent blog post, Shopify's CEO Tobias Lütke announced significant team and business changes aimed at refocusing the company on its main quest and streamlining operations. While acknowledging ...

CommercetoolsShopify App Store: what is it?

Shopify App Store: what is it?

The Shopify App Store is an online marketplace that offers a variety of apps and integrations designed to help Shopify merchants improve their online stores. The App Store includes both free and pa...

CommercetoolsMarketing for E-commerce: How to get more traffic

Marketing for E-commerce: How to get more traffic

Are you looking for ways to get more traffic to your online store? We'll talk in more detail about marketing channels you can use to get more traffic and sales in our article. Today, you can promo...

CommercetoolsShopify vs Magento. Which is better?

Shopify vs Magento. Which is better?

What is Shopify? It's an online E-commerce platform that lets you build online stores.  You can manage products, orders, payments, shipping, discounts, and other stuff on this platform. Shopify is ...

shopifyShopify suddenly increases the plan pricing

Shopify suddenly increases the plan pricing.

One of the most widespread e-commerce platforms, Shopify, published a post with information about the significant price changes. It is worth reminding that for the previous 12 years, the pricing wa...

developmentOberlo - a dropshipping app for Shopify, is discontinued

Oberlo - a dropshipping app for Shopify, is discontinued

Oberlo, a dropshipping app for Shopify that allowed full integration with AliExpress, announced they are stopping work on the 15th of June 2022. The startup was created in 2015 in Lithuania, soon ...


Ten eCommerce platforms - number of websites, overall sales, and programming languages.

Today we’ll tell you about ten popular eCommerce platforms, but from a different angle that allows you to understand how popular they are and which programming languages you need to know to benefi...

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