
PHP 8.1.6 became available.


Last week a minor update for PHP was released. Version 8.1.6 contains over twenty bug fixes implemented in the previous month after the release of PHP 8.1.5. The release doesn’t have any new features, so it shouldn’t cause compatibility issues. However, backup is still recommended.

The update resolved issues in dozen of modules, such as:

  • Core - fixes in registry settings, race condition related to resource ID allocation, constants preloading, and Haiku ZTS builds;
  • Date - fixes related to Time Zone calculations and exception handling;
  • FPM - fixes of status reports, process shutdown, and comment in kqueue;
  • SPL - fixes related to ArrayIterator leaks and SplFileObject returning a wrong value;
  • FFI - fixed assigning function pointers;
  • Hash - resolved the issue with segfault during finalized HashContent serialization;
  • Iconv and zlib - fixed resetting of Content-Encoding header by ob_end_clean;
  • Intl - implemented references support for msgfmt_format $values;
  • MBString - implemented a number of error markers according to WHATWG specification;
  • MySQLi - implemented proper format specifier for Windows;
  • Streams - now php://temp preserves file-position.

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