
End of support for Adobe Commerce 2.4.0-2.4.3

End of support for Adobe Commerce 2.4.0-2.4.3

Last week we wrote about the upcoming end of support for PHP branch 7.4.x. This branch of the language was trendy, and it was used in many projects. One of them is Adobe Commerce. Its versions starting from 2.3.7 to 2.4.3, relied on PHP 7.4. It was one of the reasons why Adobe decided to terminate software support for Adobe Commerce on the same day as scheduled for this programming language.

Today Adobe terminated software support for the four releases of Adobe Commerce, starting from 2.4.0 (released on the 20th of July 2020) to 2.4.3 (released on the 4th of August 2021). They were based on the most popular version of PHP - 7.4. Even though the support for this branch is already over, almost 32% of the websites worldwide are still using it, according to the data available at The Adobe Lifecycle Policy states: “To better streamline our lifecycle policy, Adobe provides quality fixes to the 2.4 release line until the end of support date of the PHP version upon which it is based”. It means that starting today, the customers will receive neither quality fixes nor security fixes and will have to update their systems to the most recent versions available.

It is worth mentioning that this update requires more effort. All the newer versions of Adobe Commerce, starting from 2.4.4, rely on PHP 8.1. This language version contains numerous changes, compared to 7.4, so the sites that use custom-built extensions may need a lot of time to ensure that everything works properly after the migration.

Image Credit: Adobe Experience League.

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End of support for the most popular branch of PHP
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