
80% of organizations encountered cloud security issues in the past year

80% of organizations encountered cloud security issues in the past year

According to the State of Cloud Security report published last week by Snyk, a cybersecurity company based in Boston, four of five organizations encountered one or more severe cloud security issues in the past 12 months. The incidents include data breaches, information leaks, and intrusions into their infrastructure.

The most affected types of organizations include startups (89% of them encountered issues) and public sector organizations (88%), enterprises (74%), and small and medium businesses (68%).

According to the data obtained by the researchers, 77 percent of the respondents said that most of the failures are caused by issues related to insufficient team training and problems in collaboration between teams. Forty-five percent of companies mentioned that insufficient engineering resources also cause issues with cloud security. The report also lists the most typical cloud security challenges, such as human error, insufficient security funding, poor collaboration between teams, inconsistent policy interpretations, addressing issues right before deployment, false positive alerts, disambiguations in using tools and frameworks between teams, and others.

Also, the report revealed that 55% of engineers and 66% of security professionals think the number of cloud security issues will increase in the future.

Image Credit: Photo by Breno Machado on Unsplash

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